How to Create JKS Using Ansible | Generate p12 Using Playbook | Ansible Tutorial


Tags: ansible command module, ansible pip, ansible prompt, ansible tutorial, ansible, expect module, ansible PKCS12, Ansible JKS, JKS, generate jks file, generate p12 file, linuxtopic

How to create jks using ansible ?

How to create p12 using ansible ?

How to execute a command and responds to prompts in ansible ?

How to use expect/read in ansible ?

In This topic we will create PKCS12 file and then create JKS file using expect module.

Step 1:

Go to the ansible main directory and create yml file with suitable name

cd /etc/ansiblevi p12.yml


- name: Use EXPECT / Read


  gather_facts: false

We define name and hosts entry for execution of this playbook, you can replace with your targeted hosts or group


  - name: install expect

    pip: name=pexpect

pexpect python module require on Client so first we will install pexpect using pip module

  - name: Create PKCS12


     command: openssl pkcs12 -export -in /etc/ssl/linuxtopic/linuxtopic-self-signed.crt -inkey /etc/ssl/linuxtopic/server-master.key -out  /opt/server-pkcs.p12


       Enter Export Password: "password"

       Verifying - Enter Export Password: "password"

In 2nd task we use expect module, before use it read document,  at list run your command on hosts and copy all response like it will ask “Enter Export Password:”  you can type your response in double cote (“”) 

    Enter Export Password: "password"

ansible command module, ansible pip, ansible prompt, ansible tutorial, pexpect python module, ansible, expect module, ansible PKCS12, Ansible JKS, JKS, generate jks file, generate p12 file, linuxtopic
Generate p12 file


- name: Generate JKS file


     command: keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /opt/server-pkcs.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore /opt/server-jskfile.jsk -deststoretype JKS


       Enter destination keystore password:  "jkspassword"

       Re-enter new password: "jkspassword"

       Enter source keystore password: "password"

3rd task: we generate JKS file using same expect module 

ansible command module, ansible pip, ansible prompt, ansible tutorial, pexpect python module, ansible, expect module, ansible PKCS12, Ansible JKS, JKS, generate jks file, generate p12 file, linuxtopic
Generate JKS file using ansible

Your playbook has been ready to execute, you can run using ansible-playbook command, just copy full playbook:


- name: Use EXPECT / Read


  gather_facts: false


  - name: install expect

    pip: name=pexpect

  - name: Create PKCS12


     command: openssl pkcs12 -export -in /etc/ssl/linuxtopic/linuxtopic-self-signed.crt -inkey /etc/ssl/linuxtopic/server-master.key -out  /opt/server-pkcs.p12


       Enter Export Password: "password"

       Verifying - Enter Export Password: "password"

  - name: Generate JKS file


     command: keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /opt/server-pkcs.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore /opt/server-jskfile.jsk -deststoretype JKS


       Enter destination keystore password:  "jkspassword"

       Re-enter new password: "jkspassword"

       Enter source keystore password: "password"

Step 2:

ansible-playbook  p12.yml

Verify by checking jks and p12 file

ll  /opt/

Both files available in opt directory, means playbook working fine 

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