Regular Expression - How to Remove PII Data from File | How to Masked Personal Information from Json Logs | Regex Json Value and Remove #LinuxTopic

Tags: regular expression, regex, regex and remove, regex and replace, regex exact value and replace, regular expression to print all value,  sed search and replace, sed remove, sed replace regex, sed replace
regular expression, regex, regex and remove, regex and replace, regex exact value and replace, regular expression to print all value,  sed search and replace, sed remove, sed replace regex, sed replace
regular expression - regex exact value and replace
Introduction :

To remove the personal information from the json output logs using the sed command and share with third party vendor  for troubleshooting the issue.

In this tutorial we will learn blow points

1 - how to remove personals information of customer from the log file ?
2 - how to mask PII data in json logs output ?
3 - how to masked personal information in file and share with vendor ?
4 - how to regex json value and replace ?
5 - grep value and remove from file
6 - how to use regular expression in linux

We we need to remove Personals data  ?

Suppose you we working on an application, while working we got an error and we tried to resolve but cant, so we need application vendor help and have to involve. 

Vendor need logs to understanding the issue, here is a big challenge to share the logs direclty because many organization did not allow to share customer information to third party/vendor.

So  will masked the  personal data from logs and share with vendor, for the single or double entity we can do it by manually but multiple or big logs file we can not do it easily means it is  too time consuming.. 

OS / Tools / Command

1 - Linux
2 - Bash
3 - grep
4 - sed
5 - logs file ( json logs )

Step 1:

Copy the logs file, which  content a personal information for removing, in this tutorial we have log file in blow directory and file name

log file path :  /var/log/event.log

cp -rv /var/log/event.log /tmp/

review logs file and notedown which value you want to remove 

cat /var/log/event.log

In the above we have some PI Field and can not share this info outside of organization line, like
  • accountNumber
  • operator 
  • custName 
  • custID
  • cardHolder 
  • card 
  • Phone 
  • Address
We will pick one value and print using grep command, like accountNumber, in this field we have only numeric value / digit value / number value.


we will grep only  accountNumber first in above logs, below grep command will print only match word
grep -o "accountNumber" /tmp/event.log

Now we will grep ":"

grep -o "accountNumber\":\"" /tmp/event.log

In the above example we use backslash  to escape double quote because we have double quote after the number and then colon (:) and again backslash double quote.

Note: We used backslash to escape any special character in grep  

In the next step we will use regular expression to grep number/digit value, we used [0-9] regex in below command with grep.

grep -o "accountNumber\":\"[0-9]" /tmp/event.log

Above example printed a only one digit. we will use  ( + ) plus to print all digit between double quote.
grep -o "accountNumber\":\"[0-9]\+" /tmp/event.log

In the final step we will print last double quote

grep -o "accountNumber\":\"[0-9]\+\"" /tmp/event.log

So we printed actual value from the logs file, now we will use sed command to replace or remove the account number.
sed 's/accountNumber\":\"[0-9]\+/accountNumbter\":\"REMOVED/g' /tmp/event.log

We removed account number value using sed in dry run of sed command, we can replace using below command
sed  -i 's/accountNumber\":\"[0-9]\+/accountNumbter\":\"REMOVED/g' /tmp/event.log

Value B - alphanumeric and special character 

We will choose a address from the logs file below the address have charator, numbere and special character

"Address":"235/2 Street ll PBL"

We will use regular expression in square brackets below

a-z   -  lower case character 
A-Z -  upper case character 
0-9  -  digit
/ -_@,  - special character

[a-zA-Z0-9\s /_-,]\+

grep -o "Address\":\"[a-zA-Z0-9\s /_-,]\+\"" /tmp/event.log

We got the address value, now again we will use sed command

sed -e 's/Address\":\"[a-zA-Z0-9\s /_-,]\+/Address\":\"REMOVED/g' /tmp/event.log

Replace address value :

sed -i 's/Address\":\"[a-zA-Z0-9\s /_-,]\+/Address\":\"REMOVED/g' /tmp/event.log

Note: As my suggestion we can use  [a-zA-Z0-9\s /_-,]\+ regular expression for replace all above fields, it does not matter character / number / special present in value or not.

Script :

1 - Create a script file as you wish with below content

vi /tmp/

# In the script we create a backup first in /tmp directory and then we used a for loop using a sed command.


cp -rv /var/log/event.log /tmp/event.log

for i in accountNumber custID Address operator custName cardHolder card Phone Address
sed -i "s/$i\":\"[a-zA-Z0-9/ _-,@*[\s]\+/$i\":\"REMOVED/g" /tmp/event.log

Visit Method 2 - Click Here

Thanks you !! 

I hope this topic gave you all the information you needed. If you have any further questions or would like more detailed directions feel free to contact us using any of the following sources. We look forward to talking to you.

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