Fortune: Fun With Linux Commands to Try When You're Bored - Fun Linux Terminal Commands Cowsay #linuxtopic


fortune command || cowsay command 

The fortune command in Linux is a fun command that will print the random quote, witty saying, or fortune message. It can be used to get a bit of inspiration, have a laugh, or simply to see what the day has in store.

Fun With Linux Commands, fun linux, cowsay, fortune, linux command, timepass, fortune command, cowsay command, linuxtopic, Command line, linux tools
Fortune Command - Fun with Linux Terminal 

To use the fortune command, simply open a terminal and type fortune. This will display a random message from the default fortune database. 

There are many different databases of fortune messages available, each with its own unique flavor. For example, there are famous databases like quotes, jokes, Linux tips, and even fortune cookies.

To Install Package: 

sudo apt install fortune

To use fortune command : take help of command

fortune -help

To use fortune command


We can also specify fortune database by passing the name of the database as an argument to the fortune command. 

Suppose we get a fortune from the "computer" database, we would type fortune computer.


A cowsay command to display your fortune in a speech bubble. We can use  fortune command along with cowsay, simply we have to use pipe, it will use the output of the fortune command to the cowsay command.

To Install Cowsay:

sudo apt install cowsay

To help of cowsay command

cowsay -h

To use cowsay with custam message 

cowsay "this is my cow"

To see the cow file options available on your system, use -l flag

cowsay -l

for example we have to display "bud-frogs" and "bunny", we will use -f flag and type any message or use fortuen

fortune | cowsay -f bud-frogs
cowsay -f bud-frogs " this is a frogs"

To Use Fortune Command with Other command: Cowsay

We can also use the fortune command  with other linux commands to create fun and interesting effects. 

To display fortune in a speech bubble from a cow,  you would type the following command:

fortune | cowsay

The fortune command is a great way to have fun and be creative with your Linux terminal. 

Thanks you !!
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