How To Hiren Boot by Dnsmasq Server | Hiren Boot CD


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Tags: hiren boot cd, hiren boot cd download, hiren boot usb, hiren boot cd 15.2, hiren boot 15.2, dnsmasq, dns, dhcp, pxe, pxe boot, pxe boot server, 

Q. Configure Dnsmasq as a Pxe Boot Server " hiren boot " ?

Q. How to configure a dnsmasq server in linux centos 6 ?

Q. step by step dnsmasq server configuration in Linux centos 6 ?

IP  -

Hostname - 

OS  - CentOS 6

Dnsmasq provides network infrastructure for small networks:. dnsmasq is a lightweight DNS, TFTP, PXE,and DHCP server. Its provide coupled DNS and DHCP service to a LAN. It is designed to be lightweight and It has also been widely used for tethering on Smartphone’s and portable hotspots,

domain-needed This tells dnsmasq to never pass short names to the upstream DNS servers. If the name is not in the local /etc/hosts file then “not found” will be returned.

bogus-priv All reverse IP (10.20.x.x) lookups that are not found in /etc/hosts will be returned as “no such domain” and not forwarded to the upstream servers.

no-resolv Do not read resolv.conf to find the servers where to lookup dns.

no-poll Do not poll resolv.conf for changes

server= Set one or more DNS servers to use when addresses are not local. These are open DNS servers.

local=/ Our local domain, queries in these domains are answered from /etc/hosts or the static-hosts files.

address=/ Use this force an address for the specified domains. e.g to block adverts force to localhost

no-hosts This options stops dnsmasq using the local /etc/hosts file as a source for lookups .

addn-hosts=/etc/dnsmasq.d/static/hosts.conf Force dnsmasq to use this file for lookups. It is in the same format as /etc/hosts.

expand_hosts So we can see our local hosts via our home domain without having to repeatedly specify the domain in our /etc/hosts file.

domain This is your local domain name. It will tell the DHCP server which host to give out IP addresses for.

dhcp-range This is the range of IPs that DHCP will serve: to, with a lease time of 12 hours.

dhcp-host=client,,36h Any machine saying they are hostname = ‘client’ gets this IP address

dhcp-option=option:router, When a host is requesting an IP address via DHCP also tell it the gateway to use.

dhcp-option=option:ntp-server, When a host is requesting an IP address via DHCP also tell it the NTP to use.

Install Dnsmasq server and

yum install dnsmasq*

yum install syslinux*

Configuration Dnsmasq server as a PXE Boot

Enable configuration directory " conf-dir=/etc/dnsmasq.d "

vi /etc/dnsmasq.conf

Create new pxe.conf file in configuration directory of dnsmasq

vi /etc/dnsmasq.d/pxe.conf

To Enable TFTP Server by adding this section



here "/khandwa/" is path of tftp server you can define according to your configuration.

Dhcp Boot Option





Here i used "proxy" because i have already dhcp server in network if you don't have a dhcp server you can define range of ip by adding following line :  dhcp-range=,,12h

set pxe Boot Option

pxe-prompt="Press F8 for boot menu", 3

pxe-service=X86PC, "Boot from local hard disk", 0

pxe-service=X86PC, "Boot from network", pxelinux

Copy syslinux file in tftp server root directory

mkdir /khandwa/ /usr/share/syslinux/menu.c32 /khandwa/ /usr/share/syslinux/pxelinux.0 /khandwa/ /usr/share/syslinux/chain.c32 /khandwa/ /usr/share/syslinux/memdisk /khandwa/ /usr/share/syslinux/mboot.c32 /khandwa/

Create pxelinux.cfg directory

mkdir /khandwa/

Create "default" file for boot menu

vi /khandwa/

default menu.c32
prompt 0
timeout 300


#Menu for Hiren Live Boot

LABEL Hiren # label name of iso
MENU LABEL Hirens BootCD # menu label name
KERNEL memdisk # kernel for ISO image called memdisk

APPEND iso initrd=hiren10.iso raw   
      # path of iso image, here iso image path /khandwa/

Restart Service

service dnsmasq restart

If you get error after Restart the Service :

dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket: Address already in use

check port of dns ( 53 ) & kill it

netstat -anlp | grep -w LISTEN

hiren boot cd, hiren boot cd download, hiren boot usb, hiren boot cd 15.2, hiren boot 15.2, dnsmasq, dns, dhcp, pxe, pxe boot, pxe boot server

Kill this process

kill -9 1792

Now Again restart service

Now go to the client maching and boot form network

Note : enable network boot setting in BIOS


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