Important Port Number list
1 . To see the list of all port
# vi /etc/services
2 . To see the used port of of the services
# grep -i < Service name > /etc/services
[root@khandwa ~]# grep -i mysql /etc/services
mysql 3306/tcp # MySQL
mysql 3306/udp # MySQL
mysql-cluster 1186/tcp # MySQL Cluster Manager
mysql-cluster 1186/udp # MySQL Cluster Manager
mysql-cm-agent 1862/tcp # MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
mysql-cm-agent 1862/udp # MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
mysql-im 2273/tcp # MySQL Instance Manager
mysql-im 2273/udp # MySQL Instance Manager
mysql-proxy 6446/tcp # MySQL Proxy
mysql-proxy 6446/udp # MySQL Proxy
sphinxql 9306/tcp # Sphinx search server (MySQL listener)
Some Important Port Number and full form
Port | Port Number | Description |
FTP | 20 | file transfer protocol : Transferring data |
FTP | 21 | file transfer protocol : Start connection |
SSH | 22 | Secured Shell |
Telnet | 23 | Remote Administration |
SMTP | 25 | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol : Mail Transfer Agent ( MTA ) |
DNS | 53 | Domain Name System |
Bootp | 67 | |
DHCP | 68 | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol |
TFTP | 69 | Trivial File Transfer Protocol |
HTTP | 80 | Hyper Text Transfer Protocol |
Kerberos | 88 | computer network authentication protocol which works on the basis of 'tickets' to allow nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner. |
POP3 | 110 | Post Office Protocol 3 : Mail delivery Agent |
NTP | 123 | Network Time Protocol |
NetBIOS | 137 | used in Samba |
SMB | 139 | Used in SMB ( smbd ) |
NetBIOS | 139 | used datagram |
SMBD | 445 | Post Office Protocol 3 : Mail delivery Agent |
IMAP | 143 | Internet Message Access Protocol |
HTTPS | 443 | Hyper Text Transfer Protocol : used ssl for secure web |
Syslogd | 514 | |
Ldaps | 636 | |
FTPs | 989 | File Transfer Protocol Secure : used for data transfer |
FTPs | 990 | File Transfer Protocol Secure : used for connection create |
IMAPs | 993 | Internet Message Access Protocol |
POP3s | 995 | Post Office Protocol 3 |
OpenVPN | 1194 | |
Ldaps | 636 | |
NFS | 2049 | Network File System |
MySQL | 3306 | It's a database system |
Squid | 3128 | it's a proxy server |