Question : how to show hidden all file and folder in windows ?
Question : how to show all hidden file form removable drive ?
Question : show all file and folder from pen drive , hide by virus ?
"Attribute allows a user to change the attributes of a file/files or folder"
Attribute :
Read-only - allows the file to be only viewed and not written to or changed.
Archived - allows Microsoft Backup and other backup programs to know what files to back up.
Hidden - makes files invisible to standard users and hidden if show hidden files is enabled.
System - makes the file an important system file.
Windows 7 and Windows 8 syntax
+ : Sets an attribute.
- : Clears an attribute.
R : Read-only
A : Archive
S : System file
H : Hidden file
I : Not content indexed file
X : No scrub file
V : Integrity attribute.
1 - Open Command Prompt :
Go to start - run - and type command "cmd"
2. Type " attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.* "
attrib = Command
-h = clear hidden attribute
-r = clear read-only file attribute
-s = clear system file attribute
/s = Processes matching files in the current folder and all subfolders
/d = Process folder
I:\ = Drive Later
*.* = all ( path where you set or clear attribute )