Ansible Tutorial - Ansible Modules Ping Setup Command Shell Copy Find


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tags: ansible tutorial for beginners, ansible, ansible tutorial, ansible ad hoc commands, ansible modules, ansible example, ansible playbook tutorial, ansible linux, ansible best practices, ansible best practices, ansible playbook examples, ansible roles, ansible ping, ansible setup, ansible copy, ansible command, ansible shell module, ansible get_url

Ansible Version 2.7.5

Useful Ansible Command :

ansible  - Define and run a single task against a set of hosts

ansible-config - View, edit, and manage ansible configuration

ansible-doc  - plugin documentation tool

ansible-galaxy - Perform various Role related operations

ansible-playbook - Runs ansible playbooks on targeted hosts

ansible-vault - encryption/decryption utility for ansible data files

ansible-doc Command

It is a plugin documentation tool, we can take help of any module

Syntax :

ansible-doc [-l|-F|-s] [options] [-t <plugin type> ] [plugin]

To display All modules :

ansible-doc  -l

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ansible-doc command

To display help / option particular module/plugin

ansible-doc  hostname

To display option of yum modules

ansible-doc yum

ansible-doc command yum documentation 

Ansible Command

Define and run a single task against a set of hosts/groups.

Syntax :

ansible <host-pattern> [options]

For more help or display all options

ansible -h


  1. ping

  2. hostname

  3. setup

  4. command

  5. shell

  6. copy

  7. get_url

  8. find

Use Ping module

ansible  all -m ping


ansible  = Command

all          = all hosts of inventory, we can define single hosts, groups or IP address

-m ping = module name

ansible tutorial for beginners, ansible, ansible tutorial, ansible ad hoc commands, ansible modules, ansible example, ansible playbook tutorial, ansible linux, ansible best practices, ansible best practices, ansible playbook examples, ansible roles, ansible ping, ansible setup, ansible copy, ansible command, ansible shell module, ansible get_url
ansible ping modules

Ansible Hostname Module :

To Change Hostname

ansible  -m hostname -a “name=linuxserver”


ansible  = Command          = hosts of inventory, we can define all hosts, using “all”  , “groups name”

-m hostname = module name

-a = use for argument

name=linuxserver  = we changed name from linuxtopic to linuxserver

Ansible Setup Module

To display / gather all information of hosts

ansible  -m setup | more

ansible tutorial for beginners, ansible, ansible tutorial, ansible ad hoc commands, ansible modules, ansible example, ansible playbook tutorial, ansible linux, ansible best practices, ansible best practices, ansible playbook examples, ansible roles, ansible ping, ansible setup, ansible copy, ansible command, ansible shell module, ansible get_url
ansible setup module

Filter or Grep information

ansible  -m setup | grep swap

Use filter in ansible command output

ansible  -m setup | grep -e swap -e memorysize -e process

ansible command filter, ansible tutorial for beginners, ansible, ansible tutorial, ansible ad hoc commands, ansible modules, ansible example, ansible playbook tutorial, ansible linux, ansible best practices, ansible best practices, ansible playbook examples, ansible roles, ansible ping, ansible setup, ansible copy, ansible command, ansible shell module, ansible get_url
ansible command filter

Use ansible command module

ansible  -m command -a  “ip a” ansible  -m command -a  “ip a” | grep eth0

ansible  -m command -a  “cat /etc/hostname”

Use ansible shell module

ansible  -m shell -a  “ip a” ansible  -m shell -a  “cat /etc/hostname”

ansible tutorial for beginners, ansible, ansible tutorial, ansible ad hoc commands, ansible modules, ansible example, ansible playbook tutorial, ansible linux, ansible best practices, ansible best practices, ansible playbook examples, ansible roles, ansible ping, ansible setup, ansible copy, ansible command, ansible shell module, ansible get_url

ansible  -m shell -a  “touch /etc/hostname111”

Ansible copy module

To Copy file from one location to another location

ansible  -m copy -a  “src=/tmp/hostname111 dest=/tmp/hostname2222 ”

To copy file with change owner, group and permission

ansible  -m copy -a  “src=/tmp/hostname111 dest=/tmp/hostname2222 owner=lokesh group=lokesh mode=777 ”

Verify :

ll  /tmp/hostname*

Ansible Find module

We can  find any file using find module:

ansible  -m find -a “paths=/tmp/”  | grep hostname

Ansible get_url module

We can download any file using get_url module:

ansible  -m get_url “url= dest=/tmp/happynewyear2019.jpg”

Ansible script module

We can run any script using script module using following example

ansible  -m script -a "/tmp/"


echo `hostname`

echo `date -I`


End of this ansble ad-hoc command and ansible modules, we need your support so i request you to please comment, share and like this post

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