Create, Save and Exit in Vim Editor |
Vi used to edit all kinds of plain text. It is especially useful for editing a file/programs.
To Create a New File
colon ( : ) is command line mode, edit command and /tmp/linuxtopic file name with full path
vi /tmp/linuxtopic
It will create a file in /tmp directory with filename linuxtopic if file will already exist with same name will be open.
To edit file
Go to the Insert mode by pressing ( i ) or ( Insert ) key and start typing
To Save Changes in File
Go to command line mode by pressing esc key and type :w
4 lines and 22 character written in the file
To Exit vi editor
We can use :q to exit vi editor
To save and exit together
We can use ! for forcefully action
To view file in Read-only mode
vim -R /tmp/linuxtopic
We can also use view command
view /tmp/linuxtopic
To edit existing file in vim
vi /tmp/linuxtopic
Thanks you !!
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