TMux full form
Tmux full form is terminal multiplexer
Tmux is terminal multiplexer for unix like operating system that is used to start multiple session. It help us to open multiple windows in session simultaneously.
We can easily switch in multiple application by detach session and reattached the same session in different terminal.
Advantage of Tmux
discontinued or disconnected from the network accidentally.
Alternate of Tmux:
screen command : screen is similar to tmux, Click here to read screen
Install Package of Tmux :
yum install tmux
Ubuntu / Debian
apt install tmux
Mac OS
brew install tmux
Getting Start with Tmux
Before we can start working on tmux command first we will check the manual of tmux by execute the below command on terminal
man tmux
We can find all relevant information in this manual scroll down and read manual carefully if you want to learn more, here we will cover basic most frequently used of tmux
To start session, run below command on terminal
This is tmux session window, you can find the session number, user and hostname and date & time of the bottom by green line.
the default prefix of tmux is "ctrl + b" so we can manage the session by pressing the both key simultaneously and then press command key like help "?", "c" and so fourth
To list all command or help in session
Press together Ctrl + b then ?
To detach this session
Press together Ctrl + b then d
To list all tmux session
tmux ls
To attach or re-active or re-attached the session
tmux attach-session -t 0
Here tmux command, attach-session is option for attach session, -t 0 is session number seen in above screenshot.
To use tmux command with session name
tmux new -s linuxtopic
Here tmux command, and -s is switch and linuxtopic is session name
To create new window in session :
Press together Ctrl + b then c
In the bottom, we can find the active session like 0:root@lokesh and 1:root@lokesh
To list of all windows open in session
Press together Ctrl + b then w
To switch windows , by session number like 0 1 and so fourth
Press together Ctrl + b then 0 or 1
To Split current pane horizontally into two panes
Press together Ctrl + b then % (Shift + 5)